Friday, November 15, 2013

November come what may

It's 15 november! Just yesterday, I submitted my 4D final project. A short film :) Feeling quite relieved and light headed! I guess because 2 submissions are down! Now, I'm left with narrative, 2D, 3D & art history! Press on, xy! So far, november has been good to me. Got into a few arguments with V, but what's new right? Arguments are normal and part and parcel of a relationship. So I'm learning and growing from this. Also, this girl shocked me in the noon when I woke up yesterday. Whenever I get any updates from her, the news can be quite shocking. Oh dear, I don't know how to help her, but I'll just try my best. lolol I started typing this post with a sudden inspiration to want to blog, but I'm feeling lazy now hehe, so I'll stop here.

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