Monday, October 7, 2013

Hello October

Wow, it's October already? Time seriously passes damn fast when you're so caught up & busy with stuff. Been busy with school work and relationship stuff that I kinda forget to take things easy. I shouldn't give myself so much unnecessary pressure. Also, I gotta learn how to manage my time well. Feel like I've been on a spree to rush my work recently. Luckily there was a recess week, but the first 3 days of recess week were used for make up lessons ): Oh wells, but the make up lessons were kinda interesting. We went to sentosa for foundation make up class & botanic gardens for 3D make up class. 2D make up class was mehhh, just presenting our printmaking artwork in school. Hmmm, kinda had a few minor arguments with Victor lately but we managed to solve it and come to a resolution. Though I must admit that I really hate arguing, I always feel damn bad and feel bad that he feels bad too. But it's a good thing that we argue and come up with solutions to solve it rather then shout at each other or just walk away. Open and honest communication is the way to go! Hahaha although I admit I still have alot more to learn on how to handle relationship stuffs but so far so good I feel. Lao Niang must jiayou for school stuff, fencing stuff, friend stuff, boyfriend stuff and family stuff. Keep a good balance.

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