Thursday, September 12, 2013

How My Sept Went

Hello Wello! Been quite awhile since I updated this space! August had been quite a busy month for me, time spent with the loved ones, getting used to uni/hall life and great things happening in that month. Sept so far has been alright! All the work/projects are starting to come in, and I'm starting to feel inferior cos of all the talented & awesome people in my class! Hahaha, but I'm trying to have a change of mindset, like I'm in this school to learn right, so tracking my progress is more important then comparing my work with others. I must jiayou & work hard!! Hehe, on a side note, Victor has ended his last major paper today! WHOOOP. HAHA means less stress for him liao! Hope he passes & get a good job *fingers crossed* Anyway, here are some pictures of sept! BTW, I'm falling sick again OMGGGGGG NOOOO.

1st Sept - BBQ at Larry's! He flew off to Manchester yesterday!

3D Class

My 4D project submission!

Class work! Hahaha, exquisite corpse way.

Surprise birthday celebration for Kaizer!

Shi Jian korkor's wedding dinner!

My supposedly final clay product, but I hv to redo cos its not organic enough D:

Celebrated Wilson's birthday!! (Crazy celebration)

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