Thursday, April 4, 2013


Hi. Just submitted a portfolio for ADM on Monday.... Now I have to get down to doing another for La Salle's....... I ain't complaining, but I just wish I had more time :/ Anyways, work recently has become less & less of importance to me.. Like, during the start of the job I would really try my best to help the customers. Now I'm like... bitch please. Trying to embrace everything, be it good or bad is quite difficult. Not an easy feat. It's like trying to break a bad habit. I feel like slapping myself profusely cos I just can't seem to be on time. I'm like late 2 times this week! & the week has not ended yet. GOSH. I don't know whether it's a good or bad thing that next week my shift starts at 11.30am. Good cos I probably won't be late, bad cos it just ends sooooooooooooooooo LATE. Everyone is like leaving & I'm left alone in the factory shit like environment. OKOK, whatever happened to embracing everything XY?! GAHHHH

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