Friday, March 29, 2013


Been so caught up with work & doing my portfolio lately. I kind of miss having nothing to do for a single day. ): I really want to get into NTU's school of ADM. Desperately want to. & it's the only course I've applied for. Not going to consider SMU or NUS. Cos I know that's the course I want to get in. Left a video & some graphic design to go & I'm done with my portfolio. I realize, after putting together the artworks I've done, my works are not exactly stellar & out of the ordinary or breathtaking kind. Aw man I feel so ...... Like I've been trying, I mean inspiration is difficult to come across... & my creativity & inspiration is like NADA. Gosh, gotta think positive. I think thanks to the nature of my job, I'm getting more & more pessimistic by the day & getting easily irritated & moody. I cannot over complicate things, just think simply. Okays, I'm not going to think so much anymore. I'm just going to live simply & enjoy & cherish what I have now.

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