Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hello March

Surprisingly, I was totally emotionless when I got back my results. I was looking at the slip & my mind was "oh so this is what I get". My results are downright bad, like those that cannot 100% secure a spot in university that kind. I am just hoping that my portfolio would pull me through. But that's hard to say as I am not even halfway done with my work. /: Okay, I know I should really get down to actions & not keep thinking about it, cos thinking about it just stresses me out & nothing is done. I did a short story & storyboard today. But it is halfway done... I have my doubts & I just can't seem to make myself finish it. Oh, the frustration. I really gotta change my mindset. I know this current one's killing me. XY, positivity. Stop thinking & just do it. Don't mull over what has been done but start doing what's not been done. Strive, don't regret after 1st April. March is gonna be a hell of a month for me. I believe I can pull through, I believe I can. Yes I Can.

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