Friday, March 1, 2013

A few more hours to go...

In a few more hours, I will get back my A Level results... What a torturous wait. I have imagine this scene all too many times before. I sort of have expected how I will fare, looking at my pre-lim results & the effort I've put in. Re-taking is no longer an option. It is my only survival path. Okay, maybe it sounds dramatic. But, hey I'm just trying to be realistic here. Anyway, putting the results aside, Feb & Jan has both been quite good to me(: I started work on 31Jan & I met alot of people from all walks of life. Through work I got to know more people, got a taste of adult life & found out what work politics is all about. Oh, I signed up for my BTT for 29 April! Hahaha, cos the driving centre is quite near my working place!

Hope I can get a grip of my own emotions later.. Note to self, don't break down in a public area surrounded by familiar faces.

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