Saturday, February 9, 2013


Hahahaha I admit that I gave up the 30 day challenge a long time ago! Feb, the month of training, the month of CNY, the month of ..............? So far so goooood! Went out to shop with Fiona today! Cos today was CNY eve so many shops were open for half a day... I bought quite alot of stuff today! Hehehe Dad gave $50 for me to shop! I bought a black top for work, a super cool necklace, sandals, a New Look dark wine red shorts(been eyeing for soooo long & finally got it!) & some masks! HAHAHAHA Fiona and I spent like damn long in watsons thinking about the hair dye, cos L'oreal Paris hair dye the Excellence range got offer! Buy 1 get 1 free!! OMG usual price is one for $19.20! Being the cheapos that is us, of course must buy!! LOLOLOL SO yeah........ Oh man today is my first day of my period T.T Stomach is currently experiencing uncomfortable cramps. So I Shall End Here.

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