Tuesday, January 1, 2013

10 places I really want to go

Supposedly to blog this on day 4 of the challenge.. but oh wells hehe(:

First place I wanna go to is Maldives!! I want to see the beach, the sparkling sea water and everything there!!

Second place is USS Florida!! Heard the theme park there is no joke and seriously fun!!

Third place, would be Korea! South Korea! I wanna go to Jeju Island and the countryside area!!

Fourth place would be Southern part of America!! Heard the Southern people are more friendly and more easygoing! Hehe, the natural sceneries are also quite breathtaking!

Fith place............. Running out of ideas.. maybe somewhere closer to home..? Like Raindrops Cafe!! *HINTS HINTS* HAHAHA

Sixth uh, Venice!! But it's sinking...

Seventh, India! I wanna experience the culture and especially the food there!

Eighth, Africa. I wanna visit Ethiopia and Eritrea.

Ninth, The Plains! Melbourne styled cafe in sunny Singapore.

Lastly, I wanna go to UK, Central Saints Martin. The London college of fashion design!

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