Monday, December 17, 2012

Last ten songs I listened to

Day2 challenge!!! The last 10songs I listened to was played by the Philharmonic Winds! Went to the Pop concert at the esplanade with YX (: her bro was performing & he got a lot of solo parts!!! Woahh and the whole performance was totally unexpected and sooooo awesome. Totally not your usual band concert! Some guy in the band suddenly jumped up towards the end of the concert n danced n ripped off his outer clothes to reveal a more casual outfit n started to dance to gangnam style played by the band. So long nv hang out w YX... Totally enjoyed her company ^^ & now I am at Stef's house!!! Baking with her :) sooooo funn hahaha Kbye I need to h2h w her hahaha

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