Wednesday, January 9, 2013

10 things that make me cry

Day 7!
10 things that make me cry..
    1. Stress, and I mean the extreme kind. Like after my A levels, I was so stressed about my results that I finally broke down. In front of my parents some more... -_- Extreme stress can lead to me worrying alot and when that builds up, tears just come... 2. Real sad movies or dramas, they are tear jerkers. 3. Something real good happens.. that'll make me tear with joy (: 4. At gatherings that commemorates the end of something good... awww man. 5. Onions.. 6. When I am damn disappointed with myself.. eg, the fencing comp i screwed up & it was my last year to represent the sch! 7. Passing of those that I'm real close to )':

OK, can't think of the last 3... I'm not really a fan of crying infront of people. I prefer to cry to myself, in my own private space where no one can see me.. yeap.

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