Saturday, October 27, 2012


I shall try to do the 30day challenge after A's!! I reckon I'll be super free, so yeaps. For now, burying my head in books and notes....
  1. Ten things you’d say to ten different people right now.
  2. Last ten songs you listened to.
  3. Top ten movies.
  4. Ten places you really want to go.
  5. Ten friends you love, and why.
  6. Top ten ships, and why.
  7. Ten things that always make you cry.
  8. Ten people who inspire you.
  9. Ten things in your room that you love.
  10. Ten things you couldn’t live without.
  11. Ten things you regret.
  12. Ten things that always make you laugh.
  13. Ten things that have pissed you off recently.
  14. Ten ways to win your heart.
  15. Ten ways you’ve changed in the past 5 years.
  16. Ten favorite pieces of clothing.
  17. Last ten texts in your inbox.
  18. Ten songs that have amazing memories, and what the memories are.
  19. Top ten gifs.
  20. Ten overused phrases.
  21. Ten things you think about a lot.
  22. Ten things you do everyday.
  23. Ten things you’re doing this month.
  24. Ten things you like/dislike about your relationship status.
  25. Ten films you can recite from beginning to end.
  26. Ten things you’d give to ten different people in your will if you died right now.
  27. Ten things you have an obsession with.
  28. Ten childhood memories.
  29. Ten celebrities you’d marry, without a doubt.
  30. Ten things you’d want to change if you could.

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