Thursday, May 24, 2012

Heartwarming day

Basically today is screwed up! But in a good way :) Although I did something soooo foolish(yes, I realize now) but let this be a lesson learnt! I thought I still can run despite pulling my muscle the other day. I thought there was a chance, plus I didn't want to back out, what with a fellow team mate pulling out due to an ankle injury. Oh boy, I honestly didn't realize that my injury was this bad. BUT BUT BUT, despite injuring myself... I feel so loved :) Everybody is like so gracious :) Before the race everyone was like "good luck" etc etc Hahahaha then after the race everyone was like "are u okay?" Ok I feel abit stupid now! Should have thought of the after consequence man. On a lighter note, I was pleasantly surprised by Fiona & the rest of the fencing peeps! Hahahaha though I really did want a portfolio, but I really didn't think about it! This Fiona ah, I don't know how to say you! So sweet! When I kena injured, she was like damn frantic & meticulous bout every little detail. Can't express how I feel here................... Just so very touched. I'm glad I have you guys.

P.S. Subha is like awesome. No 1 first aider :)

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