Saturday, April 7, 2012


March Block Tests are over like since a few weeks ago? Received back my results. Didn't expect much, cos I kinda expected such grades. One week is definitely too scarce. All I can do now, is to work hard towards Mid Years, my next check point of my future grades for A's. But how can I? There's just so much things going around me now. Interschools, personal problems etc.. Okay it just sounds like plain excuses.. I wish I can be emotionless sometimes, that way it'll make sorting some things out easier & prehaps do things more efficiently cos there are no feelings involved. I guess my mind now needs to concentrate on what's important NOW. My lacklustre academic performance. XY, stop thinking about useless stuffs!! Stop watching dramas whenever you have the free time. Use it wisely to revise ur work instead. Stop doing all the useless time wasting stuffs. Tweet less, study more & sleep earlier. For goodness sake! You're just sinking deeper into the hole of misery if you continue to do what you do daily now. I'm going to start being more studious. Hellyeah. I'm gonna start bucking up like NOW. Freaking now. Okays, it's way past my bedtime. I should start by going to sleep ASAP.

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