Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sentosa Sunday

Had a fun time with my cousins on Sunday ^^ Went to sentosa for a mini photoshoot.. But in the end me & py left them & went exploring sentosa on our own.. hehehe :) Uploaded some photos! I'm a bit guilty... cos my cousin's from Malaysia and I feel like I've been neglecting her cos of my hectic school life... :( She says It's okay and that studies are more important.. But I just can't help feeling :( I'll try my best to pick out pockets of time to spend with her.

Welcome to Sentosa! :)

At the boardwalk!


Out of control lol

The colour of the river so blueee


Not happy with each other

PY w a sweet pose awww!

Trying to be funny lol

Copying my pose but w a different feel xD

^^ hehehe

The cousins together :)


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