Saturday, October 22, 2011


These photos were taken last week! Hurhurhur! Last week I went to Bugis with my beloved couz :D SO long never go bugis! Like since August..? Thanks to exams, i rarely have time to go out and shop. Anyway, after bugis-ing we went to parkwayparade to do facial! :) Trial session at $18! Today, me and her went to do facial too! =) My face is now smooth to the touch :D But got alot of red dots =s HAHA~ Anyways, tomorrow will be another going out day for me! I'm going shopping with ML & Subs! =) Hope we have loads of fun tmr! OYA, i need to rmb the electrophilic substitution reaction chemical equation.. and the Sn1, Sn2 reactions too. Next week got dictation! T.T

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