Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Defending what's ours

"Hurray that promos are over!"

PROMOS are over since tuesday :) Felt abit lighter due to less stress. However, I still feel uneasy somehow... I dread the day when I have to get back my results. Which is next week :( Anyway, after promos it's not all fun and games.. Here comes freaking PW and OP and related crazy stuffs. :l Today, most of the J1 batch went to Pulau Tekong BMTC as part of our NE trip. It was interesting but due to my fatigue from chionging dramas the day before, I was quite sleepy n tired throughout the journey :x The place was not bad, but I'm so glad I'm not born a guy even though I think it's kinda cool going to the army and all.. But I dun think I can survive the torture of not showering for days and not being able to use a proper toilet. But after the whole trip I sorta know more about what my brother is going through. & I'm so proud that he got to survive the whole thing and transit to being where he is now. He is THE MAN yo. ^^ hehehe I hope I can get a boyfriend before he goes to the army so I can like empathize with him throughout the army thing and can be a pillar of support to him :) I just think that the process is very heartwarming and worth enduring for and it's so endearing! Awwww :D Ending with a positive note, I'm glad that Singapore has such awesome army peeps! They keep us safe and defend what's ours :)

*on a side note, i kinda dread tmr... despite that there's no classes, it's like full of talks n lectures* ~.~

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