Saturday, September 10, 2011


I feel like a helpless drowning person. Like there's no use to struggle, because you will eventually meet up with death no matter what. I really want to pass this hurdle. There is just so little time left, so much temptations, too little self-discipline and too much undone work left. I seriously need help. Nobody can help me except myself and maybe the teachers. I sometimes really don't get education at all. Afterall, what's the use of differentiation when you grow up in live? It's not like you are going to use it. Same for recurrance relation. What the hell. Some things we learn now won't be applied in the future. SO WHY LEARN IT? It's only a waste of space in your brain. Sad to say, I'm not the kind of person who is so intrigued and have a passion to want to learn more things. I mean I have the passion to want to learn things that I like, not things that won't be useful to me. :( All I can say now, is that... I cannot pass my promos. Hell do I want to pass it real badly, but who am i kidding? Uptill now, there isn't a single test which I did greatly for, maybe except Chinese. I feel like shit now.

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