Couz & I in the xmas tree.
Then that's when it happened.
A stranger went up to me and said Hi to me while I was about to take my cousin's picture. I was like, huh? He started reaching out his hand towards me in an effort to guide me to follow him. I was quite dumbstruck at the moment. In shock, I asked him whether he is playing Truth or Dare with his friends. Like, ask him why the sudden hello to me? He said he finds me cute and wants to get to know me better... His hand was still there... To avoid awkwardness and being the nice person I am, I gingerly reached out to his hand. He took my hand and told my cousin that he wants to 'borrow' me for awhile. He took me outside the tree and started asking for my name. To be honest, I was really scared during that moment. Like a total stranger is talking to you and didn't we grow up with the general belief that we shouldn't talk to strangers? I hesitated and he say it's just a name & gestured me to relax. Instead of giving him my name, I asked for his instead. He said his name and I replied my name. He also asked my cousin for her name. Then we started chatting about why are we here etc and I got to know that he is of the same age as me and just completed his O Levels. After moments of chatting, I realize I got to end this conversation cos I can't leave my cousin alone and he is a complete stranger to me, which I find quite scary. Before we part, he asked for my number, but I refused to give. Instead I gave him my facebook.

The xmas tree where it all happened.
During our chat, he told me a few times that I was cute and I was quite .... shy about it yet secretly happy? Cos this kinda thing never happen to me before... This incident took me by surprise. I was kinda affected by him. I thought he would add me on facebook cos he took the effort to come up to me and try to get to know me better. But he never did. I'm confused. Is he like playing me? But he looks quite sincere when talking to me. I don't understand. I don't know how a guy's brain function. :( This incident led me to think of another guy incident. During my secondary school years, I was quite close with this guy friend. One day, he told me that he liked me. It was the first time a guy ever said he likes me.. So of course I did not know how to respond. Few days after he said he liked me, we went out to watch a movie with a bunch of friends. He kept flirting with another girl in the group and I'm like dumbfounded. Didn't you just told me you like me? How come you are getting so touchy with her? A few days later, that incident kept bugging me, like he said he liked me.. I think I got quite affected by that. Cos I can't sleep properly and I'm feeding myself with dramas to make me stop thinking about it. Then, I wrote him a long long SMS to tell him how I felt. & he replied in a way that makes me think when he said he liked me was in a moment of folly. The past 2 months or so I was like thinking about him and just can't get him out of my mind. Then finally, I got over it. & I heard he told another girl that he liked her. I was shocked, come to think of it now, I should be pissed when I heard it. But I wasn't. What's a guy thinking? This gets me thinking.
Maybe I should go major in male psychology to know more how they think so I won't get confused by them so often. Through my past experiences with guys and the events that my friends encounter, I can conclude that most guys are jerks. Dickheads. Why do they go after the gal then leave her hanging?
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