Was soo tired from training and baking yesterday. Missed a lecture today. Maths... Was late for chemistry lecture too. I've been late for every single november lecture that starts first in my day. I'm such a horrible person. I wonder if I have some kind of sleeping disorder. I just can't seem to wake up, or maybe I just can't be bothered? I don't know. But I got to stop this bad habit from forming. It's very irritating and eats me up inside. My priorities are like all messed up. I feel like I'm throwing away this chance. This chance of making full use of these holidays to brush up my pathetic studies. Yet. I keep think of useless things, procrastinate and basically just waste time. :( Sad, I know. School, classmates, friends..... Something just feels missing. Like... I feel there's an empty hole in me. And my mind can't seem to concentrate fully wholly on something. My focus keeps failing me. I feel insecure and weird sometimes too. I guess this is what most seventeen year olds go through right..?
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