Saturday, October 8, 2011

Not a good day

Today was not a good day. Let's start with PW. After PW lecture this morning, our group went to meet our PW teacher in charge. Basically, we have 1 feasible proposal. And some of our group members are not putting in any effort. Seeing us in such shitty state, Ms Hana proposed us to meet up on the weekends to get it done. Saturday is a definite no-no because of my tuition and Mrs Henry's son memorial. Sunday.. well I wanted to show my cousin who came all the way to Singapore from Malaysia to show her around since it's her first time here. I already neglected her first few days/weeks of arrival cos of PROMOS... Now, I have to cancel the meetup on Sunday with her. :( & I wanted to celebrate my bro's birthday on Sunday since he checks out on that day and he has to check back in at night. Haiz, I'm like fine with canceling all these stuff as long as it's worth it. But seeing the state our team spirit is in, I'm afraid...I'm going to waste my Sunday away. I really hope we make something good out of it, I really do. I really wanna get a good grade for PW. But I don't think I'm trying hard enough. Moving on, I was informed quite last minute that there's this leadership talk. So i messaged our CCA capt since the vice-capt was not in the country. Turns out the capt did not come to school & asked me to go to the talk for him & the vice-capt. During that point of time, i was damn pissed because of PW and I immediately said no. But after calling Ms Tan and cooling down to think rationally, I think I should go. Just because. :l Recently my life is revolved around school, drama & frustrations. I don't know why, but I keep getting the feeling that I'm the only one that cares so much about things and the rest are just not trying hard enough. This sucks. Doing so much for people that might not even give a shit about what you do. I feel unappreciated. :/ Why did I dig a grave for myself..? Why did I jump into an obvious trap..? Why oh why.

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